Ariadne's Writing

Practical Applications of Fluid Dynamics

One of the first pieces I wrote that I was genuinely happy with. This piece was selected as Editor's Choice for issue #4 of Octarine and published under the pen name Vanessa Atalanta, alongside illustrations by Amber Donovan-Stevens.

Wretched Creatures

I always found the idea of doppelgängers fun, so I decided to write a story involving one. This story was published in Concrete, the University of East Anglia's student newspaper.

A Mountain, Inverted

I had noticed that I was writing a lot of introspective stories in which nothing really "happens", so I decided to challenge myself to write something with a bit more action.

Question One

This piece received third place in the Dorset Fiction Award. Unfortunately, their website has since gone down, but you can see a cached version if you don't believe me. If you use a screen reader, make sure to select the screen reader friendly version.

The Human Nature

I don't usually write poetry or overtly political pieces, but this one was an exception. It was written for the anthology Lost Ground, published under the pen name Vanessa Atalanta.

Fifty Princesses

A fun little experimental piece, written to get me back into the swing of writing after a long hiatus. It's not particularly well written or edited, but hopefully it is at least enjoyable.

Variations on Yoshinoya

I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya? Let me tell you all about it.

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