Random Starting Equipment

This is a set of tables to generate random starting equipment for player characters in the Old School Essentials tabletop roll playing game, inspired by the quick equipment tables in Carcass Crawler Issue 2. Weapons, armour, and equipment marked with an asterisk are from the expanded equipment lists in Carcass Crawler Issue 3. Several new items have identical properties to existing items, in which case they are marked with the corresponding item in square brackets.

Basic Equipment

All characters receive the following equipment, in addition to specific equipment from their class (below).

Equipment by Class














Melee Weapon

1 Katana [two-handed sword]
2 Whip*
3 Chain whip [whip*]
4 Nunchaku [club]
5 Trident [spear]
6 Sickle [shortsword]
7 Scythe [polearm]
8 Glaive [polearm]
9 Pike [polearm]
10 Spear
11 Staff
12 Club
13 Warhammer
14 Mace
15 Hand axe
16 Battle axe
17 Labrys [battle axe]
18 Mattock [battleaxe]
19 Brass knuckles [club]
20 Greatclub [staff]
21 Spiked greatclub [battle axe]
22 Falchion [sword]
23 Serrated greatknife [bastard sword*]
24 Curved greatsword [two-handed sword]
25 Flail [mace]
26 Maul [battle axe, blunt]
27 Zweihander [two-handed sword]
28 Flamberge [sword]
29 Bastard sword*
30 Halberd [polearm]
31 Morningstar [mace]
32 Broken sword [dagger, melee only]
33 Lance
34 Longsword [sword]
35 Cutlass [sword]
36 Scimitar [shortsword]
37 Rapier [sword]
38 Shortsword
39 Dagger
40 Silver dagger
41 Blackjack*
42 Garotte*

Ranged Weapon

1 Nothing
2 Bolas*
3 Sling + 20 stones
4 Boomerang [dagger, -2 in melee, returns on miss]
5 Blowgun* + 10 poison darts (save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds)
6 Shortbow + 20 arrows
7 Longbow + 20 arrows
8 Three throwing knives [dagger, -2 in melee]
9 Crossbow + 20 bolts
10 Three javelins
11 Throwing axe [hand axe, -2 in melee]


1 Furs*
2 Padded armour*
3 Leather armour
4 Studded leather armour*
5 Chainmail
6 Scale mail [chainmail]
7 Banded mail*
8 Laminar mail [banded mail*]
9 Breastplate [banded mail*]
10 Plate mail


Only roll for a shield if the character has received a one-handed melee weapon. All shields are mechanically identical.

1-7 Nothing
8 Roundshield
9 Oval shield
10 Kite shield
11 Heater shield
12 Tower shield

Light Source

1 Lantern (full)
2 Lantern (half full)
3 Bullseye lantern* (full)
4 Ten candles*
5 One torch (half used)
6 One torch
7 Two torch
8 Three torches
9 Four torches
10 Six torches
11 Scroll of Light

Holy Symbol

1 Holy symbol (wooden)*
2-4 Holy symbol (silver)
5-7 Holy symbol (wooden)* + flask of holy water
8-9 Holy symbol (silver) + flask of holy water
10 Holy symbol (gold)*

Musical Instrument

1 Accordion
2 Bagpipes
3 Castanets
4 Drum
5 Flute
6 Fiddle
7 Glockenspiel
8 Guitar
9 Handbells
10 Horn
11 Hurdy-gurdy
12 Lute
13 Lyre
14 Ocarina
15 Panpipes
16 Tambourine
17 Trumpet
18 Ukelele
19 Violin
20 Whistle

Useful Items

1 50ft rope
2 30ft rope + grappling hook
3 10ft iron chain* + padlock*
4 20ft rope ladder
5 5ft long pincers
6 Net*
7 Flask of acid (damage as burning oil)
8 Flask of oil
9 Packet of rat poison [Type I ingested poison]
10 Vial of spider venom [Type I bloodstream poison]
11 Smoke bomb (15ft radius, one turn duration)
12 Stink bomb (10ft radius, targets must save or spend 1d4 rounds retching)
13 Hammer + twelve iron spikes
14 Crowbar
15 Hand-sized steel mirror
16 10ft wooden pole
17 Beartrap (1d8 damage)
18 Shovel
19 Box of chalk*
20 Ink* + quill* + ten sheets of paper*

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