{(set: $butterfly to false)
(set: $tree to false)
(set: $sun to false)
(set: $tea to false)
(set: $spiderweb to false)
(set: $book to false)
(set: $flower to false)
(set: $shadow to false)
(set: $solved to 0)
The war ended, they said so on the radio. [[As though it could be that simple.->Intro 2]]}(if: $tree is false)[[[There was something looming over me.->Tree]]](else:)[There was a grand old knotted oak tree leaning its branches over me.]
(if: $book is false)[[[There was something on the surface in front of me.->Book]]](else:)[There was a well-thumbed book of poetry in front of me.]
(if: $butterfly is false)[[[There was something a few metres away.->Butterfly]]](else:)[There was a small yellow butterfly dancing around in the air a few metres away.]
(if: $solved >= 1)[(if: $sun is false)[[[There was something high above me.->Sun]]](else:)[The sun was shining clear and bright.]]
(if: $solved >= 2)[(if: $flower is false)[[[There was something behind me.->Flower]]](else:)[I could hear bees happily meandering around the rose bush behind me.]]
(if: $solved >= 3)[(if: $tea is false)[[[There was something else on the surface in front of me.->Tea]]](else:)[There was a warm cup of tea on the table in front of me.]]
(if: $solved >= 4)[(if: $spiderweb is false)[[[There was something near my feet.->Spiderweb]]](else:)[The breeze tugged gently at the spiderweb at the base of the table.]]
(if: $solved >= 5)[(if: $shadow is false)[[[There was something under me.->Shadow]]](else:)[The sunlight cast a crisp, sharp shadow underneath me.]]
(if: $solved is 8)[[[Had the world always been so beautiful?->Ending]]][[What colour was it?->Butterfly colour]]
[[What size was it?->Butterfly size]]
[[What shape was it?->Butterfly shape]]
[[What did it feel like?->Butterfly feel]]
[[What did it sound like?->Butterfly sound]]
[[What did it smell like?->Butterfly smell]]
[[I think it was a...->Butterfly guess]]
[[Perhaps I'll come back to this one.->Main loop]][[It was mustard gas yellow.->Butterfly]][[It was about the size of a single bullet, perhaps.->Butterfly]][[It seemed as though it was changing shape, but it was moving too fast to really see.->Butterfly]][[It was very faint, but it sounded almost like pages in a book being flicked through.->Butterfly]][[I couldn't get close enough to smell it. It kept moving away when I came near.->Butterfly]](input: bind $guess)
(t8n:"instant")+(link:"Help")[Type in lowercase. Don't use any spaces or punctuation. Use the simplest, most general form of the object. Correct: "spoon". Incorrect: "Spoon", "SPOON", "a spoon", "teaspoon", etc.]
[[Submit->Butterfly submit]]{
(if: $guess is "butterfly")[
(set: $butterfly to true)
(set: $solved to $solved + 1)
[[That's was it, it was a butterfly!->Main loop]]
(if: $guess is "insect")[
That seemed right, but what sort of insect?
(else-if: $guess is "bug")[
That seemed right, but what sort of bug?
(else-if: $guess is "bee")[
That seemed almost right, but it was too big to be a bee, and it didn't have stripes.
(else-if: $guess is "bumblebee")[
That seemed almost right, but it was too big to be a bee, and it didn't have stripes.
(else-if: $guess is "wasp")[
That seemed almost right, but it was too big to be a wasp, and it didn't have stripes.
(else-if: $guess is "bird")[
That didn't seem quite right, it was much too small..
(else-if: $guess is "leaf")[
It was shaped somewhat like a leaf, but it was moving around like something alive.
No, that didn't seem right...
[[Try again->Butterfly guess]]<br>
[[Ask more questions->Butterfly]]<br>
[[Look at something else->Main loop]]
}[[What colour was it?->Tree colour]]
[[What size was it?->Tree size]]
[[What shape was it?->Tree shape]]
[[What did it feel like?->Tree feel]]
[[What did it sound like?->Tree sound]]
[[What did it smell like?->Tree smell]]
[[I think it was a...->Tree guess]]
[[Perhaps I'll come back to this one.->Main loop]][[It was flecktarn green, with a rough brown part at the bottom.->Tree]][[It was big, the size of a military watchtower.->Tree]][[It had an indistinct, shifting outline, as though made up of many small parts. There was a more solid part at the bottom.->Tree]][[It made a rustling whispering sound when the wind blew.->Tree]][[It smelled slightly earthy and organic.->Tree]](input: bind $guess)
(t8n:"instant")+(link:"Help")[Type in lowercase. Don't use any spaces or punctuation. Use the simplest, most general form of the object. Correct: "spoon". Incorrect: "Spoon", "SPOON", "a spoon", "teaspoon", etc.]
[[Submit->Tree submit]]{
(if: $guess is "tree")[
(set: $tree to true)
(set: $solved to $solved + 1)
[[That's was it, it was a tree!->Main loop]]
(if: (a: "bush", "shrub", "hedge", "hedgerow") contains $guess)[
That seemed almost right, but it was too tall.
(else-if: $guess is "plant")[
That seemed right, but what sort of plant?
No, that didn't seem right...
[[Try again->Tree guess]]<br>
[[Ask more questions->Tree]]<br>
[[Look at something else->Main loop]]
}[[What colour was it?->Sun colour]]
[[What size was it?->Sun size]]
[[What shape was it?->Sun shape]]
[[What did it feel like?->Sun feel]]
[[What did it sound like?->Sun sound]]
[[What did it smell like?->Sun smell]]
[[I think it was a...->Sun guess]]
[[Perhaps I'll come back to this one.->Main loop]][[It was blinding phosphorus white, perhaps more yellow towards the edges.->Sun]][[It was around the size of a warplane flying overhead, though it was hard to judge the distance. ->Sun]][[It was a circle, but seemed to have strange transient spikes depending on how I looked at it.->Sun]][[It didn't make any sound that I could hear. ->Sun]][[I don't think it smelled of anything.->Sun]](input: bind $guess)
(t8n:"instant")+(link:"Help")[Type in lowercase. Don't use any spaces or punctuation. Use the simplest, most general form of the object. Correct: "spoon". Incorrect: "Spoon", "SPOON", "a spoon", "teaspoon", etc.]
[[Submit->Sun submit]]{
(if: $guess is "sun")[
(set: $sun to true)
(set: $solved to $solved + 1)
[[That's was it, it was the sun!->Main loop]]
(if: $guess is "cloud")[
That didn't seem quite right, it was too bright and the wrong shape to be a cloud.
(else-if: $guess is "moon")[
That seemed almost right, but it was too bright and yellowish to be the moon.
(else-if: $guess is "star")[
That seemed almost right, but it was too large and bright to be a star.
No, that didn't seem right...
[[Try again->Sun guess]]<br>
[[Ask more questions->Sun]]<br>
[[Look at something else->Main loop]]
}[[What colour was it?->Tea colour]]
[[What size was it?->Tea size]]
[[What shape was it?->Tea shape]]
[[What did it feel like?->Tea feel]]
[[What did it sound like?->Tea sound]]
[[What did it smell like?->Tea smell]]
[[I think it was a...->Tea guess]]
[[Perhaps I'll come back to this one.->Main loop]][[It was mostly bone white, with a dirt brown part on its upper face.->Tea]][[It was about the size of a hand grenade.->Tea]][[It was shaped roughly like half a sphere, with a concave dip in the top, and a strange looped part on one side.->Tea]][[It didn't seem to make any sound.->Tea]][[It had a familiar thin malty sort of smell.->Tea]](input: bind $guess)
(t8n:"instant")+(link:"Help")[Type in lowercase. Don't use any spaces or punctuation. Use the simplest, most general form of the object. Correct: "spoon". Incorrect: "Spoon", "SPOON", "a spoon", "teaspoon", etc.]
[[Submit->Tea submit]]{
(if: $guess is "tea" or $guess is "cup" or $guess is "teacup" or $guess is "mug")[
(set: $tea to true)
(set: $solved to $solved + 1)
[[That's was it, it was a cup of tea!->Main loop]]
(if: $guess is "bowl")[
That seemed almost right, but it was too small and had an odd looped part.
(else-if: $guess is "soup")[
That seemed almost right, but it didn't smell like soup.
(else-if: $guess is "coffee")[
That seemed almost right, but it smelled lighter and more floral.
No, that didn't seem right...
[[Try again->Tea guess]]<br>
[[Ask more questions->Tea]]<br>
[[Look at something else->Main loop]]
}[[What colour was it?->Spiderweb colour]]
[[What size was it?->Spiderweb size]]
[[What shape was it?->Spiderweb shape]]
[[What did it feel like?->Spiderweb feel]]
[[What did it sound like?->Spiderweb sound]]
[[What did it smell like?->Spiderweb smell]]
[[I think it was a...->Spiderweb guess]]
[[Perhaps I'll come back to this one.->Main loop]][[It was a very pale grey, almost white.->Spiderweb]][[It was around the size of a telegram, maybe a little bigger.->Spiderweb]][[It was extremely thin, and shaped like a sort of irregular net.->Spiderweb]][[It didn't seem to make any sound.->Spiderweb]][[It didn't seem to smell of anything.->Spiderweb]](input: bind $guess)
(t8n:"instant")+(link:"Help")[Type in lowercase. Don't use any spaces or punctuation. Use the simplest, most general form of the object. Correct: "spoon". Incorrect: "Spoon", "SPOON", "a spoon", "teaspoon", etc.]
[[Submit->Spiderweb submit]]{
(if: $guess is "web" or $guess is "spiderweb" or $guess is "cobweb")[
(set: $spiderweb to true)
(set: $solved to $solved + 1)
[[That's was it, it was a spiderweb!->Main loop]]
(if: $guess is "doily" or $guess is "doilie")[
That didn't seem right, it was too irregular.
(else-if: $guess is "net" or $guess is "fishnet")[
That didn't seem right, it was too small and irregular.
No, that didn't seem right...
[[Try again->Spiderweb guess]]<br>
[[Ask more questions->Spiderweb]]<br>
[[Look at something else->Main loop]]
}The passing days smeared down the walls just the same. Every night the flash of bayonets and the staccato shriek of gunfire woke me up again and again and again. [[Nothing changed.->Intro 3]]All of a sudden things went quiet. My skin prickled and my spine tensed. [[Everything was unfamiliar, everything was a threat.->Main loop]][[It felt either waxy and papery or coarse and lumpy depending on where I touched it.->Tree]][[It couldn't get close enough to touch it. It kept moving away when I came near.->Butterfly]][[It was far out of my reach.->Sun]][[It was insubstantial and fell apart into nothing at my touch.->Spiderweb]][[The outside felt hard and smooth, and the inside was liquid. Both were warm to the touch.->Tea]][[What colour was it?->Book colour]]
[[What size was it?->Book size]]
[[What shape was it?->Book shape]]
[[What did it feel like?->Book feel]]
[[What did it sound like?->Book sound]]
[[What did it smell like?->Book smell]]
[[I think it was a...->Book guess]]
[[Perhaps I'll come back to this one.->Main loop]][[Some sides of it were blood red, others were pale brown.->Book]][[It was about the size of a helmet.->Book]][[It was a flat oblong shape. One side was oddly loose and easily separated into many thin pieces.->Book]][[It felt mostly smooth, with a very slight fibrous texture.->Book]][[It didn't make any sound.->Book]][[It had a nostalgic musty smell.->Book]](input: bind $guess)
(t8n:"instant")+(link:"Help")[Type in lowercase. Don't use any spaces or punctuation. Use the simplest, most general form of the object. Correct: "spoon". Incorrect: "Spoon", "SPOON", "a spoon", "teaspoon", etc.]
[[Submit->Book submit]]{
(if: $guess is "book")[
(set: $book to true)
(set: $solved to $solved + 1)
[[That's was it, it was a book!->Main loop]]
(if: $guess is "box")[
That didn't seem right, it wasn't hollow.
(else-if: $guess is "matchbox")[
That didn't seem right, it was too big and wasn't hollow.
No, that didn't seem right...
[[Try again->Book guess]]<br>
[[Ask more questions->Book]]<br>
[[Look at something else->Main loop]]
}[[What colour was it?->Flower colour]]
[[What size was it?->Flower size]]
[[What shape was it?->Flower shape]]
[[What did it feel like?->Flower feel]]
[[What did it sound like?->Flower sound]]
[[What did it smell like?->Flower smell]]
[[I think it was a...->Flower guess]]
[[Perhaps I'll come back to this one.->Main loop]][[It was a deep flesh pink colour.->Flower]][[It was about the size of two packets of cigarettes.->Flower]][[It was a very odd shape, like an explosion of small flat scales.->Flower]][[It felt velvety and soft to the touch.->Flower]][[It was was surrounded by an intermittent buzzing noise, but perhaps that didn't come from it itself.->Flower]][[It had an intense heady perfume smell.->Flower]](input: bind $guess)
(t8n:"instant")+(link:"Help")[Type in lowercase. Don't use any spaces or punctuation. Use the simplest, most general form of the object. Correct: "spoon". Incorrect: "Spoon", "SPOON", "a spoon", "teaspoon", etc.]
[[Submit->Flower submit]]{
(if: $guess is "flower")[
(set: $flower to true)
(set: $solved to $solved + 1)
[[That's was it, it was a flower!->Main loop]]
(if: $guess is "bird")[
That didn't seem right, it wasn't flying.
(else-if: $guess is "fish")[
That didn't seem right, it was soft to the touch.
No, that didn't seem right...
[[Try again->Flower guess]]<br>
[[Ask more questions->Flower]]<br>
[[Look at something else->Main loop]]
}[[What colour was it?->Shadow colour]]
[[What size was it?->Shadow size]]
[[What shape was it?->Shadow shape]]
[[What did it feel like?->Shadow feel]]
[[What did it sound like?->Shadow sound]]
[[What did it smell like?->Shadow smell]]
[[I think it was a...->Shadow guess]]
[[Perhaps I'll come back to this one.->Main loop]][[It was a thin, translucent grey-black colour.->Shadow]][[It was about the size of a body, but paper thin.->Shadow]][[It was shapeless and formless, and changed before my eyes as I leaned in to examine it closer.->Shadow]][[It was slightly cool to the touch, but otherwise all I could feel was the ground beneath it.->Shadow]][[It was as silent as the grave.->Shadow]][[It smelled slightly earthy.->Shadow]](input: bind $guess)
(t8n:"instant")+(link:"Help")[Type in lowercase. Don't use any spaces or punctuation. Use the simplest, most general form of the object. Correct: "spoon". Incorrect: "Spoon", "SPOON", "a spoon", "teaspoon", etc.]
[[Submit->Shadow submit]]{
(if: $guess is "shadow" or $guess is "darkness")[
(set: $shadow to true)
(set: $solved to $solved + 1)
[[That's was it, it was my own shadow!->Main loop]]
(if: $guess is "cloud")[
That seemed almost right, but it was too small and too clearly outlined.
(else-if: (a: "memory", "sadness", "depression", "despair") contains $guess)[
That didn't seem quite right, it was clearly something I could physically see before my eyes.
(else-if: (a: "stain", "spill") contains $guess)[
That didn't seem quite right, it was visibly moving.
(else-if: $guess is "ghost")[
That didn't seem quite right, I don't think it was anything supernatural.
No, that didn't seem right...
[[Try again->Shadow guess]]<br>
[[Ask more questions->Shadow]]<br>
[[Look at something else->Main loop]]
}Who knew that yellow could be so yellow? Who knew that birds could sing?
Who knew that life could be lived?